Imran Khan Rejects Azm Istahkam Military Operation

Imran Khan has taken a bold stand against the newly launched military operation, Azm Istahkam. This operation is ostensibly aimed at countering terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). However, Khan and his party see it as a political maneuver rather than a genuine counter-terrorism effort. Ali Amin Gandapur, the Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa articulated this rejection emphatically during a press talk outside Adiala Jail.

Political Consensus Against Operation

The opposition to Azm Istahkam is not limited to Khan’s party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Major political entities in KP, including Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F) (JUI-F), Awami National Party (ANP), and Jamaat-e-Islami, have all voiced their opposition. These parties argue that the operation will not achieve its stated goals and may instead exacerbate the province’s problems. The political consensus against this military action underscores a significant rift between the government and opposition parties in KP.

Governor’s Controversy

KP Governor Faisal Karim Kundi has found himself at the center of a political storm. Ali Amin Gandapur has fiercely criticized Kundi’s support for the military operation. Gandapur accused Kundi of undermining the political stability in KP by backing a controversial military action. This public rebuke highlights the contentious nature of the operation and the deep political divisions it has sparked.

Imran Khan’s Consistent Stance: Peace should Have a Chance

Imran Khan’s opposition to military operations is not new. Since the 9/11 attacks, he has consistently advocated for negotiations over military action. Khan believes that military operations are ineffective in achieving long-term peace. According to him, such campaigns have historically led to increased militancy rather than its reduction. His consistent stance is rooted in the belief that dialogue and political solutions are more sustainable than military interventions.

Comparative Analysis

Ali Amin Gandapur has exemplified the negotiations with the Afgan Taliban and the Donald Trump administration during PTI’s government. He argues that these negotiations were more successful in achieving peace than any military operation. Gandapur suggests that Pakistan should learn from this example and prioritize negotiations over military action. This comparative analysis aims to bolster the argument that dialogue is more effective than force.

PTI’s Unified Stance

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is unified in its opposition to the Azm Istahkam operation. The party demands detailed and transparent plans before extending any support to the government. PTI leaders argue that without a clear strategy, the operation is bound to fail. They insist on accountability and clarity to ensure that any military action is justified and effective. This unified stance demonstrates PTI’s strong internal cohesion on this issue.

Broader Political Implications

The opposition to the military operation extends beyond PTI. Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the Chairman of JUI-F has also taken a strong stance against the operation. Additionally, other political entities like ANP have voiced their concerns. This widespread opposition indicates a significant political challenge to the government’s plans. It suggests that the military operation could face substantial resistance and lack the necessary political support to succeed.

Need for Intelligence-Based Smart Operations

Many political leaders and analysts argue for a more targeted approach. If intelligence suggests the presence of militants in specific areas, they advocate for intelligence-based smart operations. These operations would be limited in scope and focus on specific targets, reducing collateral damage and political backlash. Such a strategy could be more effective in neutralizing threats without the broader negative implications of a large-scale military operation.

Need for Political and Economic Stability

Political and economic stability are crucial for reducing the appeal of militancy. Stable political conditions create an environment where economic growth can thrive. Economic stability, in turn, reduces the factors that drive people towards militancy. Thus, the focus should be on achieving political consensus and economic development to create a more secure and peaceful society. This perspective highlights the interconnectedness of political, economic, and security issues.

Accusations of Planned Migration of Militants

There are strong accusations against the military establishment regarding the migration of militants. Critics claim that the military has solicited and facilitated the movement of militants to justify conducting operations against them. This, they argue, is a tactic to secure funding from international donors. These accusations, if true, would indicate a severe breach of trust and highlight the complex and often murky nature of military and political strategies in Pakistan.


Given the current political and economic conditions in Pakistan, the timing of the Azm Istahkam operation is highly questionable. The military operation lacks public support and could further alienate the populace. The army is already facing unprecedented unpopularity. In this context, the establishment should reconsider its actions. It needs to focus on internal reforms and rebuild its relationship with the public. The hostility between the army and the public, exacerbated by actions against PTI and Imran Khan, needs to be addressed urgently. This is a critical moment for Pakistan, requiring careful and considered actions to navigate the political and security challenges it faces.

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