Since April 9, 2022, Pakistan’s political landscape has been marked by severe turmoil and uncertainty. This period, characterized by significant events, has profoundly impacted the country’s governance structures and destabilized its foundation. The unexpected ousting of Prime Minister Imran Khan and the subsequent suppression of his political party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), by military forces, have led Pakistan into a state of chaos and unpredictability.

The Rise of Authoritarianism and the Dismissal of Imran Khan’s Government: 

The onset of authoritarianism in Pakistan was signaled by the military’s forceful removal of the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Imran Khan through the Vote of No-Confidence Move on April 9, 2022 . Despite Khan’s widespread public support and calls for political dialogue, the establishment adopted an authoritarian stance, blatantly ignoring democratic principles.

Consistent Public Support for Imran Khan: 

Imran Khan’s popularity remains unshaken among the Pakistani people, evidenced by large rallies and demonstrations. However, this did not stop the military’s attempts to quell PTI’s influence through repression and harassment of its members, escalating national unrest.

Increased Brutality and Repression:

 Following Khan’s ouster, the military intensified its crackdown on PTI, marked by police raids, arbitrary detentions, and unfounded legal charges. The crackdown’s severity deepened with attempts to obstruct investigations into an assassination attempt on Khan, highlighting a disturbing trend in the suppression efforts.

Military Leadership Changes and Persistent Tensions: 

The expected change in the military’s leadership brought hopes of positive change and reconciliation. However, actions by the new Chief of Army Staff against Khan and PTI dashed hopes for peace, further deepening political divisions.

Undermining Constitutional Norms under New Military Leadership:

 The new Chief of Army Staff’s tenure saw significant breaches of constitutional norms, including delaying elections beyond the required 90-day period after the assembly’s dissolution and imposing a caretaker government, eroding Pakistan’s democratic foundation.

Crisis Escalation on May 9, 2023: 

Imran Khan’s arrest on May 9, 2023, ignited nationwide protests, leading to orchestrated violence and a severe crackdown on PTI supporters, exacerbating the political crisis with numerous arrests and casualties.

Restriction of Media Freedom and Suppression of Dissent:

 The crackdown extended to the media, with notable journalists arrested and threatened, significantly stifling press freedom and threatening democratic values in Pakistan.

Targeted Attacks and Intimidation:

 Imran Khan’s resilience was tested through direct assaults, including life-threatening attempts and the deaths of PTI supporters, highlighting a breakdown in law and order without accountability.

A Judiciary in Controversy:

 The judiciary’s integrity, particularly the Chief Justice’s hostile actions against PTI, raised concerns over the fairness of the electoral process, with PTI candidates facing unjust treatment and electoral interference.

Urgent Reconciliation and the Role of International Mediators: 

The critical state of affairs necessitates an earnest reconciliation effort between the military and Imran Khan, beyond political advantage, for the future of Pakistan. The international community’s role in encouraging dialogue and restoring stability is increasingly vital.


 Pakistan’s deepening political crisis underscores the imperative need to bridge divisions, reaffirm democratic principles, and secure the nation’s prosperity. Resolving internal conflicts and restoring public trust in government institutions are essential for a stable and flourishing Pakistan.

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