Pakistan Tehreek Insaf (PTI) strongly rejects any demands for apologies concerning statements made by the DG ISPR, emphasizing the speech’s lack of legal and moral grounding. PTI spokesperson Rauf Hassan questions historical accountability, referencing past events such as the 1971 division and martial laws under General Zia Ul Haq and Pervez Musharraf, suggesting a pattern of unaddressed grievances.

Apologies on National Tragedies

PTI advocates for transparency and official apologies for historical injustices, including the tragedy at the Army Public School and other significant national incidents. The call extends to revealing suppressed reports like the Hamood Rehman Commission and Abbottabad Commission reports, emphasizing the need for public access to information and accountability.

DG ISPR Political Statements

The party criticizes the recent political statements by DG ISPR, labeling them as violations of apolitical stances expected from military representatives. 

Commission on all National Mysteries

PTI demands the formation of commissions to investigate unresolved national mysteries, including the deaths of Liaquat Ali Khan, Fatima Jinnah, and Benazir Bhutto, alongside the circumstances surrounding Quaid e Azam’s death.

Imran Khan’s Willingness in Investigations 

Imran Khan expresses willingness to cooperate with investigations, criticizing the current political environment for its lack of justice and transparency. 

Need of Constitutional Amendments

PTI’s calls for constitutional amendments to address political party biases and urges for fair election processes, highlighting issues faced during elections such as candidate and symbol restrictions.

PTI’s Stance

PTI’s stance is clear: Pakistan needs a transparent, accountable political system that addresses past injustices and ensures fair, democratic processes. The party stands ready to participate in discussions and commissions aimed at uncovering the truth behind Pakistan’s unresolved political questions, advocating for a just and informed society.

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